Gallery Picture 1- 7 car waltzer ride 1:76 scale motorized with flashing lights, very typical on mo
Gallery Picture 2 - 1/2 the layout the main rides shown are the Waltzers, a Speedway circuit,and a
Gallery Picture 3 - Bioscope 'Cordona Ghost'(early cinema)This unit was the forerunner to the early
Gallery Picture 4 - Dodgems ride in the background, there are 2 sets of Dodgems on the funfair, one
Gallery Picture 5 - House of fun on a Maudslay/Luton back truck
Gallery Picture 6 - Helter-Skelter diorama
Gallery Picture 7 - 28ft showman's caravan and a centre truck mounted on a searchlight trailer
Gallery Picture 8 - Car Twister ride which made it's debut in 1959 but is still popular today
Gallery Picture 9 - Foden S21 double deck fairground lorry and trailer complete with a Jets ride lo