A little bit earlier this year on the 22nd June but we hope to see your there. Keep checking back here for more details
Even the weather was kind for the annual North Somerset model show held at the Helicopter Museum, Weston-super-Mare on July 14th.
It was an early start for those North Somerset members who volunteered to help traders and clubs set up and to marshal vehicles (bacon rolls and coffee from the Museum
restaurant helped the process)
At 1000, the doors opened to the paying customers. The various stands were scattered throughout the Museum enabling visitors to view the Museum exhibits too.
Some of the 29 clubs attending included South Somerset, Cold War SIG, Exeter (no helicopter arrival this time), Modern British Army SIG, Wiltshire, the Land Rover SIG and the Earley Risers from Reading. The NASA SIG was notable for the fact that all the models – with two exceptions – on both tables had been built by one man.
There were many beautifully finished models, among them the turntable ladder fire engine on the Avon stand. Almost 2 feet high at its highest, I didn’t get to see it up close but at least you knew where the stand was! The ships and boats on the Birmingham stand were all scratch built.
The 7 traders , including Form-u-Lay and Brooksmodels seemed to be doing a brisk trade during the day – always a good sign.
My personal highlight was the 1:72 B-17G on the North Somerset stand. Built by Jared Watkinson its natural metal finish was just that. Every panel had been clad and
burnished individually. The result was stunning.
It was really nice to wander round and chat with old friends from over the years and catch up on their news and exchange information on techniques, etc. That was the real highlight of the day – as it is with any model show.
The lowlight of the day was missing out on the first sunshine for 10 days because I was indoors.
Our last show in 2024 was very well attended as always and we would like to thank traders and clubs alike for making it a great day
Ian Bryant
Rob Brooks Project
Jack Hill Models
Jeff Brown
Wild West Art & Craft Ltd
SMS Models
Models for sale
Monster Models
Phil Dunn Models
Airfix Modelling SIG
Avon Scale Model Society
BMSS (Bristol Branch)
Cardiff Plastic Aeroplane Club
Cold War SIG
Cotswold Scale Plastic Modellers Group
Crosstree models
Early Risers
Francois Military Miniatures
Poole Vikings
ISCA Model Club
I.P.M.S. Avon
I.P.M.S. Birmingham
I.P.M.S. Gloucester
I.P.M.S. N.A.S.A. S.I.G.
I.P.M.S. North Somerset
I.P.M.S South Somerset
I.P.M.S. Swindon
I.P.M.S. Wallingford
Just for Fun Modellers
Modern British Armour
Wilts MAFVA (Mendip Modellers)
North Devon Model Society
Plymouth Scale Model Association
Southbrook Model Group
South Wales MAFVA
St.Athan Model Club
Stephen Bell Models
West Somerset Model Club
Vale Modellers Club
Show report from 2018 featured in the IPMS Magazine, Issue 04 2018
Well, It’s already a week since the 2023 North Somerset Model Show!
Now the dust has settled, it is time to reflect on what was our most successful show to date.
The Helicopter Museum Reports that the visitor numbers were up by 10-15% on last years’ admissions and the café takings were also up.
We had 28 clubs and 8 traders attending, and feedback has been received from many of them expressing their thanks for a great show that was both “enjoyable and friendly”. Many have already told us they are looking forward to next year.
We even had positive feedback from some of the visitors. One member of IPMS Lincoln, visiting the show while on holiday in the area, is thinking of trying to persuade his club to display here next year!
We may also have picked-up a couple of new members from the Somerset area as a direct result of the show.
So, thanks to all those attending the show, whether they be an exhibitor, a trader or a visitor, and making it a success.
And, of course, thanks to all the members of the club who helped enormously over the course of the weekend – setting up beforehand, getting everyone in first thing on the Sunday morning, and helping them out again at the end of the day.
John Annegarn